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Probe Characteristics
Probe Characteristics
Characteristics: Small footprint, low frequency (1-5MHz), high frame rate. Ideal for scanning between the ribs. High frame rate allows scanning of moving structures.
Characteristics: High frequency (5-13MHz), ultrasound waves emitted in straight line. Image displayed in rectangular field. Ideal for high resolution imaging at shallow depth. Lung pleura, blood vessels, nerves & US guided procedures.
Low frequency probe used for imaging deeper structures such as lung parenchyma, abdominal ultrasound and OBGYN scans. Lower ultrasound frequencies have better penetration.
References & Further Reading
- Artifacts in diagnostic ultrasound. Hindi, Peterson & Barr. Reports in medical imaging. 2013.
- A common misunderstanding in lung ultrasound: The comet tail artifact. Lee et al. Medical Ultrasound. 2018.
- Lung B line artifacts and their use. Dietrich et al. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2016.
- Imaging artifacts in echocardiography. Le et al. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2016.
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