RV Function 2
This station covers the evaluation of RV function. We will look at how to perform the TAPSE measurement, TR jet peak gradient and pulmonary acceleration time measurement.

Tricuspid Annular Plane systolic Excursion (TAPSE):
- Obtain an apical 4 chamber view, preferably the RV focused view
- Use M-Mode
- Align the M-Mode cursor across the lateral annulus of the tricuspid valve
- Obtain the M-Mode tracing of TAPSE
- Measure the displacement of the lateral annulus in systole.
- < 17mm indicates abnormal RV function
B. Tricuspid Regurgitation Jet Peak Gradient

- The Apical 4 Chamber RV Focused view is useful to evaluate TR
- If present, the TR jet can be used Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure (RVSP) and Systolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure (SPAP)
- RVSP = TR Peak Gradient + CVP
- A TR peak gradient of < 60mmHg, with a pulmonary acceleration time of <60ms has high specificity for acute pulmonary embolism. This is the 60/60 sign
C. Pulmonary Acceleration Time

- Obtain the PSAX view ath the aortic valve level
- Identify the pulmonary valve
- Use pulse wave doppler
- Place the sample volume at the pulmonary valve
- Trace the doppler envelope
- Pulmonary artery acceleration time is the time taken to reach peak velocity
- The time reduces as pulmonary pressures increase
- This sign is part of the 60/60 sign